I smiled. Until now

After the meal, then we go to climb mountains, climb to the last only you, I powder, the shadow. Mountain to climb, there are a lot of thorn, but you have been my hand tightly. I say to you, ' 'one thousand to drop down how not done, I fall to calculate, I be afraid you took me by the hand, will also be I pull down' 'you say; ' 'no, have I?' 'in fact all blame me well, clearly can go home, but wayward says even climb, against you and powder is born with thorns. A fool.

A fool you still remember when we kissed? That day was Sunday, and in the building of the teaching building waste, we kissed. I dare not looked up at you, blush with shame to his ears, you gently say to me, "' are you afraid of? ' 'I nodded. You gently lift my face, kissed it, you send tongue good, you kiss soft sweet.

That year, you leave me

If, if at the outset I hold you back, you must will stay for me......

Really, with you together of that day, really is a dream in this life, the most happy day, we walk together in the dark campus road, together we into the cool air hug to each other, together in rainy night walking, is you, let me be the happiest woman in the world. A fool, you feel jealous look really cute. Because the teacher has to arrange seat, arching over me and Lin, just sit on that day and his girlfriend broke up Lin, I will go to comfort him, without concern to you feel, until the end of self-study, you class to the ZhengWenTao said, you are jealous. I turned around to look at the heart, flushed with you feel very guilty. Self-study ended, I and your people with less place late go, I ask you, ' 'you are jealous? ' 'you say; ' 'no,' ' ' 'because Lin, and his girlfriend broke up today all I did not go to comfort him' ' ' 'oh' 'finish listen to my explanation, you smiled and pull up my hand said to me; ' 'we never break up' 'I smiled. Until now, I still remember you said to me of this sentence, I think I'll never forget

Until one day, that day, you send text messages for ever; ' 'we break up' 'I see a message of that a moment, like a fountain of tears as came out of it. ' 'that we can be a friend? ' ' ' 'well,' 'cell phone down that moment, I finally broke down and wept. Until now, I still regret, regret not hold you back, I know, if I had hold you back, you must not leave me, then I think that, love, not rigid, but to let go, but, I was wrong, wrong and very thorough, very thoroughly. I good regrets good regrets. I've always thought you leave for me just got small cold, a few days will be good, but reality told me, I was wrong again...

After you leave, I cried, I don't know how many times, I only know that every time I recall our past, tears, always quietly slide. I ran downstairs to midnight your home, but not see you, then I really quick collapse, FuDaQian is a good man, he took quick collapse of I said to me; ' 'you don't I help you get him back,' 'in order to you, I cry, make, even thought of the dead, but I know, all useless.

So, I drink, I bubble right, I fall...

That year, I see many

If you, if you didn't, and she walk together, I wouldn't understand, fairy tale, never just fairy tale...

You and she appeared in my view, really good suit, perfectly good, your face and smiled. Look at you and her receding figure, I work hard to raise corners of the mouth, but out the mouth sole was painful. Suddenly feel face a touch the wet, just know, originally was tears, see you so happy, I should be happy is not? You happy to my eyes light thorn sole was painful, sole was painful...

Actually, I really want to thank you, thank you let me see, fairy tale, never just fairy tale.

They all said, I'm very stupid stupid. They all said, I'm not worth to you down. They say, you're not worth I love. In fact no one know, I fall in love with you is right or wrong, but I know, falling in love with you, I do not regret.

Graduating soon, I've been thinking, DuoNian later if you and I miss in the boundless huge, whether can you recognize me?

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